Evighetsmaskinen Ozzy er tilbake


Det er nesten 10 år siden sist den nå 70 år gamle britiske artisten og frontfigur i Black Sabbath sist ga ut en singel. – Nå er den ute sammen med at han annonserer sitt neste studioalbum  «Ordinary Man»

Legenden Ozzy Osbourne slapp i dag låta «Under The Graveyard», hans første soloutgivelse på nesten ti år og er en massiv ballade som bygger opp mot hans kommende album, «Ordinary Man» som slippes tidlig i 2020 på Epic Records. Hør sangen her!

“This album was a gift from my higher power–it is proof to me that you should never give up,” sier Ozzy om utgivelsen

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Albumet er spilt inn i Los Angeles og Ozzy har fått med seg produsenten Andrew Watt på gitar, Duff McKagan (Guns N’ Roses) på bass og Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers) på trommer.

“It all started when [his daughter] Kelly comes in and says ‘do you want to work on a Post Malone song?’”sier OZZY . “My first thing was ‘who the fuck is Post Malone?!’ I went to Andrew’s [Watt] house and he said we will work really quick. After we finished that song, he said ‘would you be interested in starting an album.’ I said ‘that would be fucking great, but now I am thinking I don’t want to be working in a basement studio for six months! And in just a short time, we had the album done. Duff [McKagan] and Chad [Smith] came in and we would go in and jam during the day and I would go work out the songs in the evenings. I previously had said to Sharon I should be doing an album, but in the back of my mind I was going ‘I haven’t got the fucking strength…’ but Andrew pulled it out of me. I really hope people listen to it and enjoy it, because I put my heart and soul into this album.”

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